CS0: Exploring Programming with Python

Lead Instructor

CS0 is a light version of our CS1 course, designed to engage and excite future CS1 students. It includes 17 lessons and is designed for use in out-of-school programs, summer camps, and middle school or short high school course settings.

There are 4 units in the course, which guide students from the basics of drawing images to ultimately creating animations and making games. We firmly embrace learning-by-doing. Each set of notes contains interactive checkpoints throughout, and each lesson provides a variety of practice exercises. In addition, at the end of every unit, we offer optional challenge exercises that similarly reinforce what students have learned.

Course Schedule

Unit Name Date Assignments
Week 1: Drawing with Shapes
1.1. Lesson 1 Getting Started Day 1 3
1.2. Lesson 2 Stars and Gradients Day 1 5
1.3. Lesson 3 Rectangles and Opacity Day 2 4
1.4. Lesson 4 More Shapes and Properties Day 2 5
1.5. Lesson 5 Unit 1 Project Day 3 2
Unit 1 Quiz Day 3
1.6. Creative Task 1 Day 4 1
1.6. Collaborative Task 1 Day 4 1
1.6. Creative Task 2 Day 5 1
1.6. Collaborative Task 2 Day 5 1
Week 2: Basic Animations
2.1. Lesson 6 Using the Mouse Day 6 4
2.2. Lesson 7 Animating With the Mouse Day 6-7 4
2.3. Lesson 8 Other Animations Day 7 5
2.4. Lesson 9 Unit 2 Project Day 8 2
Unit 2 Quiz Day 8
2.5. Creative Tasks 1 Day 9 1
2.5. Collaborative Tasks 1 Day 9 1
2.5. Creative Tasks 2 Day 10 1
2.5. Collaborative Tasks 2 Day 10 1
Week 3: Giving Programs Options
3.1. Lesson 10 Conditionals Day 11 4
3.2. Lesson 11 Using the Keyboard Day 11 4
3.3. Lesson 12 More Conditionals Day 12 4
3.4. Lesson 13 Shape Methods Day 12 2
3.5. Lesson 14 Unit 3 Project Day 13 1
Unit 3 Quiz Day 13
3.6. Creative Task 1 Day 14 1
3.6. Collaborative Task 1 Day 14 1
3.6. Creative Task 2 Day 15 1
3.6. Collaborative Task 2 Day 15 1
Week 4: Animating Lots of Shapes
4.1. Lesson 15 Groups Day 16 4
4.2. Lesson 16 Loops Day 16 5
4.3. Lesson 17 Space Invaders Day 17 1
Unit 4 Quiz Day 17
4.4. Creative Task 1 Day 18 1
4.4. Collaborative Task 1 Day 18 1
4.4. Creative Task 2 Day 19 1
4.4. Collaborative Task 2 Day 19 1
Demo Day Day 20

Course Slides

Lessons 1 through 5 covered